Project Overview
The Center for Global Development developed an online Vaccine Prediction Tool that used complex probability calculation to estimate a timeline for the availability of a COVID-19 Vaccine. This tool was built with basic, un-styled elements and with rudimentary navigation (see screenshot below). All of the data could be modified using either a small or a large set of parameters.
My Contributions
My job was to turn the MVP which consisted of simple and unstyled form elements and text blocks, into a user-friendly and intuitive desktop and mobile app. The look and feel should be consistent with the main CGD website. Because of the nature of the project, the deadline was incredibly short, with only one week until handoff. The deliverables included high-resolution mockups and prototypes for the basic interactions.

Mobile View
The mobile view included all of the same features and pages, but it concentrated on the easy-to-use parameters, with the additional requirement that the whole set of parameters remain available.